Sunday, July 27, 2008

I'm Here!

I arrived in Iceland about 6:30 am (1:30 am - Tulsa time!) And we have been on the go ever since. We have had an hour around lunch time on our own, so I thought that I would quickly post. I haven't slept since yesterday morning and we still have activities planned for the day.

Here are a couple of shot of the countryside. We have made our way from the airport to a rift valley between two shield volcanoes. The weather is a little overcast, but not too bad.

I did pick up a few volcanic rocks along the way. We are on our way to a geothermal power plant for a tour. You can see this plant in the pictures. This plant pumps hot water (200 degrees) to Reykjavik about 40 miles away. They say the water temperature only drops about 2 degrees during the trip. This water heats all the homes in Reykjavik.


Zach Attack said...

Thanks for the lava rocks.It's pretty wild around the house just kidding .Everyone says hi.Love you

Hope Heldmar said...
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Hope Heldmar said...

Great pics! The "book divas" was me.... a blog I started for my book club that has never amounted to anything - yet! Now, this should show up with my name! Glad to have your updates!

Anonymous said...

Good to know that you arrived safe and sound. It looks like the adventure will rival that of Indiana Jones. Beautiful land.

stacy said...

wow what a fun place.